To share your iMovie projects over the Internet, you can publish them directly to your MobileMe Gallery. After you publish a movie, send its Internet address to your friends and family so that they can view it.
To publish to your MobileMe Gallery, you must have an active MobileMe subscription. Click the link below to sign up for one at the MobileMe website.
To publish to your MobileMe Gallery:
In iMovie, open a project or select it in the Project Library, and then choose Share > MobileMe Gallery.
The Share menu appears in a light gray bar across the top of your computer screen.
If you aren’t already logged in to MobileMe, you’re prompted to do so.
In the “Publish to MobileMe Gallery” window, type in the fields:
Title: The title of your movie.
Description: Some information about your movie for viewers to read (optional).
Select one or more of the sizes that are compatible with MobileMe, as indicated in the “Sizes to publish” table; versions of your movie in each of the sizes you choose will be available from your MobileMe Gallery.
The table shows which sizes are compatible with various devices and websites, and the resolution of each size (how many pixels it contains). The large size is of higher quality than the medium size, but it might take longer to upload over a slow Internet connection.
The resolution of the exported movie for each size depends on the aspect ratio (standard or widescreen) you chose when you created the project. This topic explains resolution in more detail: About image resolution of shared projects.
If you’re unable to select the larger sizes, the original project media isn’t large enough to render in those sizes. The size of the largest media used in the project determines the final movie sizes you can render. Holding the pointer over the “i” next to the movie dimensions displays the following information for the rendered movies:
3GP: The video file format for movies rendered in the “tiny” size.
H.264: The standard video compression used in the movie.
fps: The frame rate of the movie in frames per second.
Kbps or Mbps: The data rate of the movie in kilobits per second or megabits per second.
MB: The size of the movie file in megabytes.
Choose an option from the “Viewable by” pop-up menu to set password protection for your movie, depending on whether you want it to be publicly viewable or accessible only by specific people.
Everyone: Makes the movie publicly accessible by any visitor to your MobileMe Gallery.
Only me: Requires your MobileMe user name and password in order for you to see the movie. Sharing your user name and password with others isn’t recommended.
Edit Names and Passwords: Allows you to create user names and passwords that you can provide to others to access the movie. After selecting this option, click the Add (+) button in the bottom-left corner of the window and then type a user name. Press the Tab key, and then type the password you want to associate with the user name. User names and passwords must be between 4 and 20 characters long and can include only letters (a through z), digits (0 through 9), the underscore (_), and periods (.), but only a single period can be used at the end. Any MobileMe Gallery movies available to this user are listed to the right of the password.
Select “Hide movie on my Gallery home page” if you don’t want the movie to appear on the homepage of your MobileMe Gallery.
Hiding the movie also prevents its viewers from seeing other parts of your MobileMe Gallery.
Select “Allow movie to be downloaded” if you want viewers to be able to download copies of your movie.
Click Publish.
iMovie renders and uploads your movie to your MobileMe Gallery.
To watch your movie online, click View, or to notify your friends and family of the new movie you’ve published, click “Tell a Friend.”
Click OK to do neither and simply close the dialog.
In the Project Library, an icon appears next to the project’s name to indicate which size it has been rendered in. When the project is open in the Project browser, its title bar also displays a MobileMe icon to indicate that it has been published to your MobileMe Gallery. Click the icon to take you to the movie online, to notify friends about it via email, to publish the movie again, or to remove the MobileMe icon from the Project browser.
If you make further edits to your project in iMovie after you’ve published it to your Gallery, a yellow warning symbol appears near the icon (as shown below), indicating that your project is out of date and needs to be rendered and published again. With the project open, click the icon and choose “Re-Publish to MobileMe” to republish.
If you want to change the title or description of your movie later, without republishing it, you can log in to your MobileMe account and change the information directly in your Gallery.
To remove a movie from your MobileMe Gallery:
Open the project or select it in the Project Library, and then choose Share > “Remove from MobileMe Gallery.”